Panini Smaragdowa Igla & Rextopia's Axwell
blood type A/b blood type B
Expected colors:
Females: seal, seal tortie, cinnamon, cinnamon tortie, blue, blue tortie, fawn, fawn tortie.
Males: seal, cinnamon, blue, fawn, red, cream.
all solid and all Siamese, Tonkinese or Burmese point.
Pedigree of future kittens
Rextopia's Witty Xmas Angel & Rextopia's Yazoo
bloedgroep A/b bloedgroep B
Expected colors:
Females: black, black tortie, chocolate, chocolate tortie, blue, blue tortie, lilac, lilac tortie.
Males: black, chocolate, blue, lilac, red or cream.
all tabby (blotched?) or solide, with or without white, possibly points.